3 and a half days down... 1 and a half to go!

To all the Mums out there with more than one child, I salute you! My new little one is only 3 and a half weeks old, so I am just new to the multiple child motherhood journey, but WOWZER it is FULL ON!

The first few weeks were crazy as I was trying to recover from pneumonia and bronchitis (I was pretty sick the last 3 months of pregnancy), but thankfully by the third week I was starting to feel heaps better. This week has been week 1 of hubby back at work. Here is how is has gone so far:

Monday: I think I breastfed at least 6 hours of the day and the other hours were spent trying to calm a screaming colicy baby whilst trying to find things for Tobs (now 19 months) to do. Tried to get toddler to eat something, ANYTHING (teething: molars!) whilst breastfeeding baby. Got milk, poo, wee and other fluids all over me multiple times and although I hate to admit it (being real here), I swore at my baby at least twice.

Tuesday: Decided to try using the wrap to see if baby would be more settled. He slept the whole time so I managed to even take Toby out the back for some outdoor play and I even hung up some washing! We also attempted our first trip to Woolies (literally running out of supplies). Now this was an interesting outing, more like a mission! Once I parked I realised I can't lift Toby into the trolley whilst having the baby in the wrap (have tried before, super awkward and bub normally gets kicked in the head somehow). So got a trolley, brought it to the car, put wrap on, but Toby in trolley, put baby in wrap, ok good to go! Overall, a fairly successful day and despite having really sore shoulders and neck from carrying Finley in the wrap all day, I don't think I swore or yelled once.

Wednesday: TOTAL WRITE OFF day. I managed to give myself Salmonella, yep you heard that right; so hubby had to stay home from work and I spent 6 hours in bed with severe tummy cramps. Trying to hold a heat pack over your tummy and breastfeed at the same time and run to the bathroom regularly is not something I would wish on anyone. Grateful for my sister who came over and played with Toby out the back so at least his day was OK.

Thursday: Today! Although still not 100%, both the babies went to sleep on their own in their beds just now so I feel like I am totally winning right now! You have to celebrate the little wins hey, and hopefully eventually they become more bigger more frequent wins.

It's a whole new world full of new emotions. The guilt you feel about not being able to spend as much quality time with your toddler or take them out as much, or give them cuddles when they reach up to you and say 'Cuddle Mum'. The isolation and loneliness you feel being somewhat 'stuck' at home. The anxiety you feel when both your little ones are crying and you can't comfort them both at the same time. The sleep deprivation, the inability to think properly, the frustration, the worry....

But there is also so much JOY, and laughter, and smiles, and cuddles, and WONDER. Wonder as you watch your 1st baby suddenly become a big brother. All of a sudden you expect more of them and wow the first time I change Toby's nappy, he seemed like a giant! LOVE and affection as you miss those special bonding moments you used to have so regularly with your toddler and now you cherish them even more. Total DELIGHT as you enjoy those precious quiet moments with your newborn (mostly in the evening) and you love this new little soul more and more everyday. And that moment when you put them down in their bassinet once again attempting to get them to have some if ANY sleep and with big wide tired blue eyes, they look at you with love and crack a big gummy smile (I think the first real smile).

So 1 and a half days to go until the weekend, wish me luck!


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