Beware the Poonarmis Maximus!

Poo explosion. Poonarmi. Pootastrophy, or my favourite, the Poonarmis Maximus! Whatever you like to call it; I know it'd hard to believe, but I have actually learnt something through these explosion moments.

Tobias has had his fair share of explosive moments. Todays was exceptionally amazing. It happened in the pram on the way home from the markets in town. I knew it was coming. He was being wingey but not wanting to eat, and he hadn't gone for 5 days. Hugh jokes that I should put a tarpaulin under him when I sense a Poonarmis Maximus on it's way. Anyway when I got home, I went to get Tobs out of the pram and that's when I noticed it. Through the pram, through his clothes, all over my teething necklace. I did think to myself 'I wander how many people saw this on my way home as they walked past' (as it was super noticable). I was thankful that I was home for damage control (unlike the times when I am attempting clean up in the boot of the car).

My little darling was smiley and happy (probably feeling much better), and I couldn't help but laugh. I realised I had a choice in that moment. I could either be annoyed at the extra washing I now have to do (pram liners, change table covers, nappies etc) or I could see the humour in it all. Laughing is so important for our soul. Whether it's a poonarmi or bub's lunch all over the carpet, whether it's a giant mess in the recently cleaned lounge room, or finger painting gone wrong, let's choose joy in those moments. After all there will be many more moments like this, and I think as Mums we will be forever cleaning. In the end, I will remind myself that nothing is as precious as our babes. Laugh it off and keep going Mummas.


  1. You should publish your abbreviations somehow they are priceless!!


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